Get a Linux Terminal on Your Android Phone with Termux

In a recent article on, Seth Kenlon explains how the Termux terminal emulator lets you use a text editor, SSH into a computer, or maintain a Kubernetes cluster – all from your Android phone.

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works with no device rooting and no setup required, according to the Termux website. A minimal base system is installed automatically, and other packages are available with the APT package manager.

“Once you have Termux installed on your mobile phone, you essentially have a minimal Linux system running as an application on your (Linux-based) Android device,” Kenlon states. The interface lets you use familiar terminal applications and type essential keystroke shortcuts.

Additionally, Kenlon writes, “Through this simple terminal, you can log onto any computer on any network you have access to. You have a portable console you can use either as a host or as a terminal into any amount of computing power available to you.”

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